Come here to find ideas and lessons to incorporate EEi into your instrumental classroom.

Five Easy Ways to Get Started with EEi

EEi is very powerful, but there are some very simple tools and resources to use in your class right from the start.

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EEi Beginning Band Start-up Fundamentals

Check out the instrument start-up fundamentals available in EEi.

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EEi Strings On-Demand Webinar

Starting Beginning Strings Students with Essential Elements Interactive

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EEi Band

On-Demand Webinar

Starting Beginning Band Students with Essential Elements Interactive

In Class Grading and Recording

Now teachers can use their EEi Teacher Account to record in class student performances right in the Student Recordings Grade Book.

EEi Video Assignments

Students can now record videos and send them to the teacher for feedback and assessment.

EEi Recording Submission

The new streamlined EEi Recordings Submission makes it simple for teachers to keep student submissions organized.

Teacher Audio Feedback

Teacher Audio Feedback allows teachers to make an audio recording as part of their feedback to their students.

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EEi On-Demand Webinar

Using EEi to Genuinely Connect with Your Students

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Summer Practice Ideas

by Erin Cole

Check out these ideas to keep students motivated and playing their instruments through summer.

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Classroom Management

by Erin Cole

Do you ever feel like teaching is more like herding cats? Erin provides some tips from her many years of teaching on this popular topic.

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EEi Music Theory

Beginning students often come to your class with some musical knowledge, but it is important to make sure everyone is on the same page. EEi comes with an array of music theory worksheets to introduce and review foundational music theory concepts.


Rhythm Writing System

Writing the counts under the rhythms is a more concrete and visual way to help students understand how rhythms work together.

Using EEi To Keep Students on Track

In this brief 20-30 minute webinar, we will show you a variety of techniques to engage students using EEi.

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EEi Practice Tip: Brass Mouthpiece Playing

It can be very helpful to for brass players to practice music on their mouthpiece. In EEi, you can play along with a professional musician on your instrument and match their pitch on your mouthpiece.

EEi Practice Tip: The Double Bass Dilemma

Should we allow our bass players to sit while practicing and playing in orchestra or always ask them to stand?  Sitting vs. Standing while practicing and playing the bass is an issue that many orchestra directors and bassists face.

EEi Music Studio: Rhythm Counting Assignment

Help your students focus on rhythmic accuracy when they practice. This simple assignment will help them practice and evaluate their own rhythmic accuracy.

Eventually this simple practice technique may become a regular part of their daily practice routine.

Holiday Practice Tips

Did you find the EEi Holiday Music Activities Sheet in the resources section? This is a fun way to help your students perform, create, and play. This sheet is designed to keep your students making music over the holiday break.

Click below for ideas to help your students increase their love of music over the holidays.